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Custom Software and ERP

Custom Software and ERP

We all know how much acceleration we have gained in terms of technology since 1977, and this acceleration continues rapidly. Following the rapid development of technology, software needs were determined and demand increased with the same momentum in terms of requirements. It is inevitable to act quickly in order to meet the demand. However, lately, there has been an increase in the number of unhappy customers in special software projects, and the biggest reason for this increase is not knowing the sector and not knowing the area. Basically, as a result of not being able to dominate the sector, not knowing, not having the necessary equipment about the customer sector, the investment made by the customer, after all the time spent together, the result is disappointment.

The golden rule for success in a project starts with knowing the job well. Not knowing the work to be done and its aims are the biggest factors that will cause the failure of the whole project.

Considering that we have a command of the work to be done and its aims, what are the facts that should be targeted and conscious of when we say ERP?

1. ERP solutions are not plug-and-play software.

2. ERP implementations are never alike, just as no two businesses operating in the same industry are alike.

3. The ERP project is a business management project, not IT. 4.0 should not aim for perfection.

5. Implementation work in ERP projects never ends, it always develops.

So how can we eliminate the unhappy customer phenomenon in special software projects?

1. First of all, the needs and expectations of the company, which I have focused on sensitively before, should be analyzed correctly.

2.Company management should be included in the project process and maximum sensitivity should be shown about the project team.

3.After the analysis, appropriate project selection should be made.

In the selection of suitable projects, the basic elements are the understanding of quality, continuity, the compatibility of the way of doing business with the company, meeting the current needs as well as being able to meet the possible needs in the future.

4. Meeting expectations, software flexibility, functionality, adequacy, resistance to innovations, useful interfaces, no need for large and expert teams for maintenance and support, flexible reporting opportunities, data exchange features.

Starting the project and continuing the project process, taking into account the elements we have tried to explain above, will bring success, happy customer portfolio, and investment profitability on the customer side. Let's not forget that “Success is a journey, not a destination.”

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